
How to embed media from other sources

You can easily embed video, images, and other content into your WordPress site from the following sites:

·         YouTube

·         Vimeo

·         Twitter

·         blip.tv

·         Flickr (both videos and images)

·         Viddler

·         Hulu

·         Qik

·         Revision3

·         Scribd

·         Photobucket

·         PollDaddy

·         Google Video

·         WordPress.tv (only VideoPress-type videos for the time being)

There are three simple ways to do it.

First is by placing the cursor of the mouse to whichever part of the post or page you want the embedded video to appear. Then click Add Media and choosing From URL tab.

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:41922018788187RxuFqPoF:2014-04-15 at Apr 15 12.03 pm.png

Paste in the URL of the video and put a title in which you wanted that URL to be link in.

And click Insert into Post button, the result of this will be a link leading to the video URL you have just entered.

The second is by using the Embed tag. It supports videos, images, text, and more.

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:419220266107MRepLp76LN:2014-04-15 at Apr 15 12.04 pm.png

To do it, just copy and paste in the URL of the video that you want to embed and wrap that URL in the [embed] shortcode

Lastly, you can simply paste in the URL of the video on its own line.

Mac:private:var:folders:xd:22mttb5942gb29fcys57d3t00000gt:T:com.razola.Glui:430380956416GTM8fwadJ6:2014-08-22 at 2.15 PM.png

The system will automatically convert this URL to an image, video, slideshow, or status update depending on the type of media it is.

Mac:private:var:folders:xd:22mttb5942gb29fcys57d3t00000gt:T:com.razola.Glui:430380991303CVUibwUFST:2014-08-22 at 2.16 PM.png

Remember to copy only the video or image URL with no links attached.

The end result of this is the actual video embedded in your page or post.

When done editing you may hit Update, to save the changes you have done.