
Editor's Guide

Welcome to the administration system that manages all of the content for your website. You have been made an Editor within the system, which means you have been granted access to create new content and edit existing content. This guide will walk you through the steps involved.

The first task you have to do is to log in to the system so you can make changes or add content.

The login screen looks like this:

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:408429262054oxZgSRhPu1:2013-12-11 at Dec 11 3.34 pm.png

Simply type your username or email into the field labelled “Username” and then click in the field labelled “Password” and enter your password.


Hint: You can also use the “tab” key on the keyboard to move into the “Password” field and make it active.


Take care to make sure the details you enter into both of these fields exactly match the details you have been supplied. The username is usually case-sensitive (meaning that uppercase and lowercase letters are different), and the password is always case-sensitive.

You can place a tick in the box labelled "Remember Me", and the system will attempt to remember you to save you from having to enter these details next time.


Technical: These details will be stored in the system memory until you empty your internet browser's memory or clear your history. It doesn't matter if you don't understand this all; what is important is that if you tick this box, it can save you time in the future.


Once you have entered the correct details, click on the "Log In" button, or hit the "enter" key on your keyboard.

If you have forgotten your password , click on the text that reads "Lost your password?" and you will be taken to this screen:

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:408429361423G8Zz6mMh1c:2013-12-11 at Dec 11 3.36 pm.png

Type your username or email address into the field and click on the "Get New Password" button. A new password will be emailed to you.

Once you have your new password, log in.

When you have logged in, you will be taken to The Dashboard.

The Dashboard screen, also considered the home page of the admin system, looks like this:

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The Dashboard, along with all of the screens you will come across in the admin system, consists of the following four key elements:

1) The Header

The header looks like this:

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:419217630091M98etKcaUB:2014-04-15 at Apr 15 11.20 am.png

The header provides you with:

·         A drop-down list at:

o   WordPress Logo/ company name – that links you to WordPress information, documentation, forums and feedback.

o   To visit your website

o   For Adding New PostMediaLink and Page

o   To the user currently logged in – where in you can view his/her avatar if its available, role and a link to Log Out of the system

·         And a link to the Edit Comment page.



2) The Sidebar

The sidebar looks like this:

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:419217678382PD0XfMghzK:2014-04-15 at Apr 15 11.21 am.png

The sidebar provides you with a comprehensive list of tools that allow us to perform functions in the admin system. Each set of tools is grouped into what we call "widgets".


Hint: Widgets like PostsMediaLinks, and Pages has a drop-down arrow in the top-right corner, which allows you to expand or collapse the widget.

You can also expand or collapse the entire sidebar by clicking on the Collapse Menu, which appears as the last link on the sidebar.

This is useful for saving space on your screen.


In order from top to bottom, our widgets are:

·         The Dashboard

·         Posts

o   All Posts

o   Add New

o   Categories

o   Tags

·         Media

o   Library

o   Add New


·         Pages

o   All Pages

o   Add New

·         Comments



·         Tools


3) The Editor

The editor looks like this:

Macintosh HD:private:var:folders:94:pd42g8x17737gwlqs0n95v5r0000gn:T:com.razola.Glui:419217835881iSaqOojvwN:2014-04-15 at Apr 15 11.23 am.png

 The editor is where you add new content or change existing content on your website. The modules in the editor change according to which tool you use from the sidebar.


Hint: Many modules within the admin system can be picked up and moved around for you to manage your work area better.


To move a module position, move the mouse over the grey bar at the top of the module until the mouse becomes a cross with arrows like this:




Then hold down the mouse button and move the module to its new location.


If a module is unable to be moved or cannot be moved to the location you chose, it will automatically return to its original position.


Modules can also be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the down arrow in the top-right corner of each module


In the top-right corner of the editor, you will find two buttons:

·         Screen Options, and

·         Help

If you click on the Screen Options button, a module will slide open, allowing you to hide or show any of the modules in the editor. This gives you greater control over your work area.

Clicking on the Help button will slide open the Help module and provide tips for the screen you are in.


Technical: This help module is designed more for developers and the IT department, so more than likely, you will not need it. All the help you need should be in our articles.



4) The Footer

The footer looks like this:

Mac:private:var:folders:xd:22mttb5942gb29fcys57d3t00000gt:T:com.razola.Glui:430368820449h6hptcMKo6:2014-08-22 at 10.53 AM.png

The footer contains a link to the WordPress website and the version number of WordPress you are running. The footer also provides a visual cue for you that you are at the end of the page.